Wednesday, August 12, 2009
So for years my friend Heather kept saying "You need a blog" blah blah..Now I realize I have no baby books or documentation of my twins, Oliver and Sadie. I keep thinking perhaps I should 
write things down so I remember why I did not have a third or why I am loosing my short term 
memory or in general my mind.
Today is Wednesday, August 12th. Oliver and Sadie are 14 1/2 months old. Oliver is walking and talking in a foreign language. Sadie is very close to walking, takes lots of steps with someone holding her hands. 
The biggest challenge has been the meals. I am like a tourist in the kitchen. I like short visits and to have someone show me around. I am obsessed with their nutrition. I have a lot of shortcomings as a mother, but I have chosen  to focus on them eating a clean, healthy diet.
Their day begins around 6 am they get up, cruise around, drink a milk and yogurt mixture and a little boob tube. I know the horrors!! ( shortcoming #34) My sister takes them at 7 am outside, while I go to the gym. The heat and mosquitoes in Florida make the morning walks impossible. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Justine (angel) comes to the house at 9am
and watches the babies. I head to Lulu's. 
The babies are eating three times a day and taking two naps. They started swim lessons at 10 months and music lessons at 13 months. They say "Moo" when you show them a cow, they are obsessed with lift flap books, Maisy in paticular.  They sit on the potty. Sadie had a bm and 
peed on the potty. We are determined to free of ourselves of diapers by 18 or 20 months!!
More to come!


J.Heather Harris said...

This is your nag friend Heather- you are an amazing Mom and this is great! Smiles.