Friday, August 14, 2009
I promised my sister, Nancy, that I would use this blog to record food details, crawling,
walking, talking help her with her adorable twins, Lila and Cooper, who are
six months behind O & S. So here it goes, they love mac and cheese, hot dogs, anything
with ketchup on it, grapes, salmon sticks (they stink the whole house up!) avocado, bread
and anything with cream cheese. My other sister, Maggie, bought the cookbook with
the recipes to hide veggies in food. I just made banana bread with cauliflower and they
LOVED it! Last night I made a quesadilla with shredded turkey breast, spinach and 
a jar of green beans and rice with lots of cheese. I broke down and put ketchup on it, they
gobbled it up.
It's lunch time again, more later!